Cognosco et Credo, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your financial support helps us fulfill our Mission:
To glorify God and strengthen families by equipping parents, educating children, encouraging community, and engaging with the church.
Your Support Makes a Difference!
We can’t fulfill our mission without the support of our generous donors.
Please considering helping us serve homeschooling families in Northeast Oklahoma by making a tax-deductible contribution today!
Donate by Check
Please make your check payable to “Cognosco et Credo” and mail to:
Cognosco et Credo
c/o Abigail Prescott
5305 East 101st Place
Tulsa, OK 74137
Donate by Credit Card
To make an online donation via credit card, click the DONATE button below.
* Processing fees are deducted from all credit card donations. To ensure 100% of your gift reaches us, consider donating by check.
Our Donors
Special Thanks to the generous contributors who make our Mission possible:

Jennifer Farley
Ashley & Christopher Gill
Diane Kunkel
Pam Penner
Abigail & Jerry Prescott
Updated September 1, 2024.